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Nov 14, 2018 (11:04)
The Kalpa Dianabol is of a high quality, used around 25mg a day as a kickstart for 5 weeks as part of my 12 week Test-E cycle (soon to end) and got excellent gains. Dianabol works wonders for me and I don't normally need to go over 25mg a day to see changes in my body composition. Dbol is known as a wet steroid which aromatises at high dosages but I find 25mg is the sweet spot for me and don't need to take any Anti-Estrogens while on cycle with other compounds, good genetics I guess;) I found strength increases kicking in around the 5th day of use, energy was up, endurance and stamina also felt elevated....didn't feel tired at all during this cycle. Towards the end of my kickstart which was 5 weeks I still felt great, my moods felt good too and all my lifts were up in weight and I was training 6 days a week with some body parts being trained twice a week....I felt Alpha all the way, libido was unaffected probably because I was using Test-E. My blood tests did show a slight elevation in Liver enzyme levels towards the 4th week but this is to be expected as Dianabol is a methylated oral steroid and was nothing too serious. I have always found Dbol to be mild in my own experience compared to something like a pro-hormone such as Epistane and didn't experience any other side affects with it and I'm someone who is prone to hair loss during a cycle.... I gained around 5kg's in total during my Dbol kick start, around 80% of this I would say was pure lean muscle as I was eating clean, very little water retention if any. Overall this was a good quality product and I would recommend it as a kickstart with any injectable cycle, can be used alone too but better stacked with other compounds for a greater affect-:)